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Despite the very real and significant risks presented by ineffective cyber and physical resilience, many companies struggle to dedicate the necessary time to it. Our services reflect a tiered approach, to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency of delivery, meaning the time you have available can be spent most wisely. Our services may include:

Cracked Concrete Wall

Inspection and Review

Multi-agency reviews and bespoke inspection services which can be used to ensure compliance with legislation, regulation and organisational requirements. 


If your operational activity would benefit from independent assessment, we can do that discreetly and to your agreed terms of reference. 


Using established inspection methodology, we can deep dive into policy and practice to evaluate staff understanding, compliance and consider the effectiveness or risks associated with operational activity. 
We collaborate with cyber risk specialists in the UK and United States who support C-Suite with strong governance arrangements and cyber assurance.


Penetration Testing

In addition to advising on cyber security technical solutions to enhance organisational resilience, we also test wider physical posture to identify vulnerabilities. 


Physical building penetration tests present opportunities to not only assess security arrangements, but also staff awareness and culture.  We go beyond simply trying to enter a building to test current access procedures.  We also recommend considering the modern day ‘wider office’ where staff manage data and discuss sensitive company matters - home, coffee shop, public areas, social events and social media.

busy office
Cracked Concrete Wall


Scenario based tabletop or full physical deployment exercising to demonstrate organisational competence, satisfy regulatory requirements, test response plans and continuity arrangements.  

Crime Scene Tape


Whether identified through your own organisational learning or through our independent inspection activity, training and awareness products can be designed and delivered across a wide variety of subject areas. 


Recent training delivered by us has included incident management, command and control, emergency preparedness, Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP), scene management, defensible decision making, intelligence, investigation, counter and anti-surveillance, safety online, radicalisation, domestic abuse, staff wellbeing.

Business Meeting
Cracked Concrete Wall


We provide independent investigation services (overt and covert) to private and public sector clients in cases of criminality, staff misconduct and workplace grievances. 


Investigators will operate discreetly, with minimal disruption to daily business and will present findings to an evidential standard.

Holding Camera

Internet Intelligence and Investigation

Internet research to support investigations and company due diligence processes for staff on-boarding, off-boarding, client or partner engagement and staff travel.


Dark web research to monitor unlawful activity which may affect your business or highlight vulnerabilities.

Mobile Phone
Cracked Concrete Wall

To find out more about who we are, what we do and how we can support you, please contact us

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